Tyler Simmons

Communications Manager at Children’s Cup. Graphic & Web Designer. Worshiper. Helping to plant a church in North Carolina. I live for good conversations.

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The Great Unknown

Have you ever experienced a moment in life when you could feel the tides turning? When you could sense yourself approaching the precipice of a cliff, inches from falling into something you’ve never known before?

I’ve only ever experienced moments like this a few times: when I decided follow Jesus, when I walked across the stage to receive my college diploma, when I experienced the agony and grief of death for the first time, when I first fell in love. These are times when you realize things will never be the same.

A new season is upon me and I have no idea what to expect. I sense the precipice ahead. I’m gearing up to move my life across the country to Wilmington, North Carolina, to help plant a church. Of course, I am sad to be leaving my family and friends for a while. They have made me who I am. God has used them to shape my soul.

But, you know, jumping off of a cliff might be...

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